Monday, April 10, 2023

Frontiers #40 - April 2023


2023 continues being chaotic for me into April...which is why I'm once again a week late on this Frontiers episode. That said, the extra time gave me a chance to try out some new techniques in the mix, so there are more cuts, more effects, and an even smoother intro and outro than normal. As icing on the cake, I managed to squeeze in my brand new remix coming out on Landscapes Music in May, so stay tuned for that as well.

It's important to take time in the chaos to step back and take a deep breath. Hopefully this mix will let you do that just as it has for me.

(00:00) Massane - Acceptance [This Never Happened]
(01:33) Leaving Laurel - you need to be there for them [Anjunadeep]
(04:46) Gorkiz & Matias Ocaño - The Missing Link (Forerunners Remix) [Transensations]
(10:42) Volen Sentir & Makebo - Into The Stars [Lost Miracle]
(13:48) Nick Stoynoff - Luck Pluck [Pure Progressive]
(17:56) Estiva - Spiral [Potentially Dreaming]
(22:50) Sterbai - Seeds [Troika]
(25:40) Nils Hoffmann & Julia Church - 9 Days (Dosem Remix) [Anjunadeep]
(29:15) Supacooks - Levitation [Movement]
(33:05) Shingo Nakamura - Falling Off (Club Mix) [Monstercat]
(36:03) The Boy From The Future - The Day You Will See The Light (Foxhill Remix) [Landscapes]
(40:45) David Broaders - For A Lifetime [Enhanced Progressive]
(45:07) RNX - Oscillate [Pure Trance]
(51:02) JP Lantieri - Twenty Something (Rick Pier O'Neil Remix) [Flemcy]
(54:59) Forerunners - Flood Of Memories [Pure Progressive]
(56:46) Hosini - Alone [Reflections]